Saturday, August 22, 2015

Goodbye Vermont...Hello Massachusetts

Oliver here in Massachusetts reporting the latest escapades of Alan and Robin.  

Reluctantly they left their nest in Greensboro Vermont and we once again became road warriors.   The two week rest was wonderful.  As we pulled out of the long  driveway we all were sad to leave!

We loved the sunsets, the walks, the pond we visited to pick blueberries and the veggie stands.  

Love Vermont in August.  We headed south to Massachusetts.  Lots to do and see.  

First stop was the Lowell National Historic Park in Lowell,Massachusetts. This was really interesting town that basically started the whole industrial revolution in the states.  

It was a fascinating day of learning about how the cloth manufacturing plants were established and how women came off the farms for the first time to go to work.  And how the city came to be around the generation of power using water.  

Then on to Concord and the Minute Man Historic National Park. 

This was where the "shot heard around the world" took place and the beginning of the revolution.  We walked the FreedomTrail.  

Then onward to Plymouth Rock and the Mayflower.  

Our next stop was Cape Cod. Oh my!
Beautiful scenery and lots to see.  We went to the end of the cape to Provincetown and enjoyed the gaiety of the P town happenings. 

Moving on, our next stop was Sturbridge Village, another living museum during the 1800's.  

The highlight for Robin was the Norman Rockwell Museum. Unbelievable!

Our last stop in Massachusetts was the Shaker Village and now we're off to new adventures. 

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