Sunday, September 6, 2015

Washington, D.C. Adventure

The Oliver here with news of the traveling duo...

We have all arrived in Washington and been exploring this most interesting space.  What a treat to see and experience all the places you have heard about all your life.  

I've been parked In a nice RV park and they are becoming experts at public transportation!  

The metro is the way everyone gets around.  They take the bus from the RV park and ride the metro all around DC. 

First step was a walk down Pennsylvania Ave to the Capital and then to the Whitehouse. 

At the end of the Mall was the Washinton Monument. 

And then the Lincoln Monument...

And on to many different Smithsonian's...

The Air and Space Museum

The Museum of Natural History

The Hope Diamond at the Natural History Museum.  

The Amerincan Indian Museum

At the Ford Theatre where Lincoln was shot (the booth right behind us).  

The Capital where Robin toured and saw the Senate chamber and much more.  The top was surrounded with scaffolding unfortunately!

The Vietnam emotional for Robin.  

The Library of Congress which just blew us away.  Such a beautiful building inside and out.  They took a great tour and learned so much. 

Arlington Cemetary was amazing.  Visited the Kennedy Eternal Flame and the tomb of the unknown soldier. 

We stayed in DC for a week and walked our feet off.  I'm sure we saw everything and then some. On the last day we watched a concert on the west lawn of the Capital.  Great music!

Loved Washington DC.  Have way too many pictures to post.  It was hot and muggy but it was incredible.  We're off for more adventures. Heading west and slowly making our way home.  

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