Monday, June 29, 2015

Maine and beyond...

Your faithful reporter Oliver here!

Traveling down the road again and enjoying life.  Our big stop in Maine was Acadia National Park and the whole Bar Harbor area.  We visited the flagship LL Bean store in Freeport Maine and had our first taste of lobster in Bar Habor!

We got to the border in Maine in a huge lightening and thunder storm and decided to stay in a nice rest area before crossing the border.  It was a terrifying night of lightening!!!

The next morning as dawn broke and the sun came out we ventured into New Brunswick Canada.  

Our first stop after the visitors center was the town of St John on the beautiful St John River.  The big attraction here is the Reversing Falls...a place where the river stops and flows the opposite direction twice each day.  

We explored the area for a couple of days... Including Fort Howe and the city market.  

Then we traveled to the capital of New Brunswick... Fredericton. Alan and Robin have both fallen in love with this town and the surrounding thinks they have become loyalists!  They attended local concerts and farmers markets and toured the govenor's mansion. 

They stayed In a Provincial park in the country and had a fabulous day at Kingslanding, a living museum that was so much fun.  Everyone is in character for the 1800's and stays in character.  It was 299 acres of original village, with all the buildings and gardens and all...really unique.  

Heading to The Bay of Fundy tomorrow!

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