Sunday, July 5, 2015

Bay of Fundy, Hopewell Rocks, Moncton and Halifax !

Oliver here with much to report...

We headed to the coast to the Bay of Fundy and the incredible Hopewell Rocks.  Here the tide going in and out is the largest in the world and so we spent the day first looking at high tide and then walking the beach (not me of course...the  human part of this journey).  

Pictures really don't do it justice but this is an amazing spot on this earth.  

We spent the day in the Fundy National Park and cruising along the coast through small scenic towns.  

We then cruised into Moncton and spent the next day celebrating Canada Day July 1st. It is the same as our 4th of July and trust me they do it up in a big way.  We spent the day at the downtown festival and then went to the outdoor concert featuring "Trooper"...a big Canada group plus several others.  The concerts were great followed by fireworks and all!

We had a "New Brunswick" Mexican dinner ((not sure they understand Mexican food here and no corn tortillas) but their tee shirts were great!

The next day we departed for Nova Scotia.  Finally at the "destination"😊

It took us two months but we are here.  Such a fantastic trip. Alan has guided this journey from the start and all three of us are having a splendid time. He is such a good tour operator!  He keeps me oiled and lubed and clean as a whistle and he keeps Robin happy.  

We headed for Halifax and our first stop was The Citadel.  This was the fortress used to protect the city although it was never attacked!  We spent the morning touring and as we were leaving a couple next to us said they were heading to the ticket office in town for half price tickets for the afternoon Tattoo...a spectacular show of music and entertainment.  Love the serendipity of travel!

No pictures of the Tattoo as they were not allowed but it was great!

The next day was the seaside farmers market...huge and fabulous. Such good food.  Love Canada...conscious people and gracious drivers.  

Spent the afternoon at the Canadian Museum of Immigration.  After a nap they spent the evening on the wharf...watching people eat poutine..a local specialty of French fries and cheese curds with gravy over the top! Yikes!

Yesterday was incredible...spent the morning at Peggy's Cove.  This is the most photographed spit inNova Scotia.  So beautiful and charming.  We climbed rocks for a couple of hours and watched for whale sightings.  Perfect weather...sunshine and low 80's.  Couldn't have been better.  

Returned to Halifax for the afternoon music in the park to end a perfect day. 

We're camping outside of Halifax for a couple of days of R and R...

Back soon...on the road again.  

1 comment:

  1. I have heard of potine. They talk about it a lot. Like its a good thing.
