Thursday, July 30, 2015

Adios Halifax...hello Prince Edward Island

Oliver reporting from the sometimes rainy and sometimes sunny city of Halifax.  

The daring duo have been in Halifax for a week watching it rain more than they like.  They have taken in movies (this week was another chick flick called Train Wreck which of course Robin loved and Alan tolerated.  

They walked the malls and of course haunted the halls of every McDonald's every morning for Alan's coffee.  It is their morning ritual and since he always gets a cup of hot water for Robin (she brings her own tea) it is cost effective!

Notice the little red maple leaf in the big M????

They have been power watching the Mad Men series and walking when the sun comes out.  

I think they have walked all the parks and one day went over to Dartmouth to walk their wharf.  It is directly across from Halifax so it was interesting to get another perspective of the city.  

Oh boy... Sun came out and Halifax is popping.  The Buskers Festival at the wharf.  What fun.  You ask what is a busker?   Street performers!  Really fun few days they have.  

Off to Prince Edward Island and ready to go over the Confederation Bridge.  This is  an amazing achievement of the human ability to solve a problem.  We stopped before going over and watched the complete story of how it was built and toured the museum. 

Prince Edward Island!  Sun is out and beauty abounds.  Beaches everywhere and the farming and miles of agriculture are amazing.  Tons of rich red earth.  Flowers abound and the big crop here is PEI potatoes!  

One of our first stops was the home of Anne of Green Gables and the author Lucy Maude Montgomery.  Really fun day hiking the trails she wrote about and visiting the family farm.  

The most famous beach in PEI is Cavandish. We of course visited. 

Loved the farmers market in Charlottetown and went to a great "kitchen Party" in Stanley Bridge featuring  a fantastic fiddle player along with his group and of course some highland dancers.  Great night of music!

Heading back to the good ole USA soon and will check back in.  Love Canada and the Maritimes...

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