Monday, July 13, 2015

Cape Breton Nova last.

Oliver as always...your trusty reporter of all travels of my human charges.

After a couple days R and R in the campground outside of Halifax and enjoying long hot showers, we got on the road again.  We headed northeast to the Northumberland Shore and stopped for a tour in Stellarten of the Museum Of enlightening picture of the industry in Nova Scotia from its beginning until present day.  

We then drove east to Antigonish, a charming university town with lots to see and do.  Alan and Robin walk a lot and they found great trails along inlets in the
Biosphere.  They then attended opening night of the local theatre...the play was called Opening Night!  Lots of fun. 

The next day we ventured to Sherbrooke to another living museum called Sherbrooke Village.  It was another great DAY. 

Alan was making big bubbles with the nice lady!  So much fun these living museums.  

Robin has become the temperance queen!  

After Sherbrooke we headed to Sydney.  This is probably the largest town in Cape Breton.  We decided to make Louisbourgh our home base for a week or two and have been venturing forth daily from there.  Over the weekend we headed back to Sydney for their 1st Annual Rib Fest.  Robin is a big fan of ribs and Alan indulges her rib thing!

The event was on the Sydney Waterfront and this big fiddle was part of the waterfront decor!  As you can see we have enjoyed great weather and the ribs were good!

The big attraction in Louisbourg is the fortress that the French built in the early 1700's to fight off the British. It is yet another living museum and is a National Historic Monument.  It is built on a point reaching out in the Atlantic Ocean. Lots of history here...

On Sunday night they attended a concert at the Louisbourg Playhouse of the "Men of The Deeps".  It was 25 salty old miners singing in an incredible chorus in a darling local theatre.  

We ventured yesterday along the Marconi Trail on the far eastern coast of Cape Breton.  This is where the Marconi Museum is, on the site where he built the first transatlantic station for wireless communication.  

And then on to the Miners Museum, the history of coal mining in Nova Scotia including a tour of the mines with a very fun fellow. 

It's been a busy time interspersed with some great walks along the wards watching the lobster boats and loving the beautiful shore of Nova Scotia.  So much to see and do!   We are camped in a great spot and having lots of rest time too. 

Tonight they are off to the Beggars Banquet here in Louisbourg...will report on the festivities next time. 

1 comment:

  1. Looks like lots of eating among the history. We are heading back to Seattle next week Nanette's hip is acting up. Then off gramping with Cam before we come back to Birchbay.
