Sunday, July 26, 2015

The Cabot Trail, Alexander Graham Bell and beyond...

Oliver reporting the always interesting travels of the west coast pair of adventurers...

Well we finally pulled out of the Riverdsle RV Park in Louisbourg much to the dismay of all. The bathrooms and showers were magnificent and we felt right at home with our host Darrell and Darrell as we came to call him.  Aside from the pesky black flys we were completely at home there.  

We headed to Baddeck, a wonderful coastal town on the St Patrick Channel Which is part of the glorious Bras d' Or Lake...a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve. I can't tell you how much green and water are here in the maritimes.  Baddeck is the home of the Alexander Graham Bell Museum National Historic Site.  It was fascinating and inspirational. 

We then headed to the famous and beautiful Cabot Trail.  A glorious drive around the north coast of Nova Scotia with breathtaking views and as always, Robin watched for whales.  

After some thought the duo decided to return to Halifax for another week or more to enjoy the city and all it has to offer.  The wharf, farmers markets and lots of varied entertainment. 

Thursday night they attended fab flamingo guitarist from Spain and a flamingo dancer.  The show was superb and the wine good.  

Aside from being a great guitarist, this fellow also played an instrument called the hand pan and I am going to sttach what I hope is a video of the sound which was other worldly!

Yesterday we drive to Lunenburg, another World Heritage Site that is a Harbour with the original old homes from the 1700's and 1800's still there.  Lots of good food and lovely bay to enjoy.  

Loved this poster!  Doors of some of the many beautiful old homes. 

Our window table for lunch...

More later... Going to eat some of the great food purchased at the farmers market yesterday!

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