Monday, May 25, 2015

Badlands National Park and the Corn Palace inMidland SouthDakota

Oliver checking in...

Our next big spot was The Badlands National Park.  This place was amazing.  Twenty five mile drive through some really interesting country of 244000 acres of badlands created millions of years ago from volcanos, etc.  Great color and formations and wildlife.  Big horned sheep and lots of prairie dogs!, big birds and more...

Then we stopped at the world famous Wall Drug Store... Really huge drug store with everything a tourist trap can have and more. 

The next day was all day chores inChamberlain.  Laundry (with the bearded lady, really chatty lady who kept us entertained) cleaning me and just general maintenance.  

We went to Sioux Fall and decided to chill with a movie (Age of Adaline). Great chick flick... But I think Alan secretly enjoyed.  

Heading to Forest City Iowa to Winnebago Industries.  Those of you who know Robin will Understand and Alan is anxious for the tour.  

Loving traveling with these two... we are such a trio😊.  They mellow with each day and the road suites us all. 

Oops, forgot the corn palace in Mitchell, South Dakota.  They were having a fun street fair and the Corn Palace is a trip!!

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