Sunday, May 3, 2015

Heading to Reno

Hello Oliver Followers!

Well,  Alan finally made it out of the desert after waiting for the wind to slow down... something I was happy about as I didn't want to have a wild ride on my first trip.   He headed north on his way to Reno to pick up Robin.

First he stopped to see his sister Suzie in Atwater and brother David in Merced.  They were of course very impressed with me!

Here we are leaving the desert!  Alan looks relaxed but trust me he has been working hard to get me all loaded up and ready to roll.

Here is David and Suzie looking me over... boy do I love that barn.

and David and Alan having bagels with his dog Wilbur....  wish Wilbur was coming with us.

More soon... we are now in Reno and loading up for the big trip.


  1. Great! I have a new google account so you can notify me of your posts. I look good in the fotos.:-( My name backward at . Have fun!

  2. Thanks David. We are just now leaving Reno glad you are following the posts. Robin

  3. I'm following too!

  4. I'm following too!
