Thursday, May 14, 2015

Oliver riding herd on the travelers here...

We have been a busy group since last heard from.  Also way out of wifi land so really hard to post anything on this blog!

Let me see if I can catch you up.  After leaving Wendover we headed east through Salt Lake City and north through Utah.  We spent the night on the lovely Logan River and then proceeded into Idaho.  The weather was very iffy and I got into my first snow... very chilling for a desert rat like me and Alan was not pleased!!  We made it to Montpelier, Idaho and then then to Pocatello through a snow storm!  The sun finally came out and we headed to Idaho Falls and then east to Wyoming.  Stopped in Jackson and toured the very quaint town and then headed north in the most beautiful scenic country into The Grand Teton National Park.   Oh My...

Robin is having trouble posting pictures with this blog from her iPad and haven't been able to keep laptop charged, so until she figures this out there may be some delay in pictures!  Humans and their technology.  I'm sure she'll get this solved.

Needless to say the pictures of the Tetons and Yellowstone are spectacular.  Bye for now and will post pictures soon!


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