Thursday, July 30, 2015

Adios Halifax...hello Prince Edward Island

Oliver reporting from the sometimes rainy and sometimes sunny city of Halifax.  

The daring duo have been in Halifax for a week watching it rain more than they like.  They have taken in movies (this week was another chick flick called Train Wreck which of course Robin loved and Alan tolerated.  

They walked the malls and of course haunted the halls of every McDonald's every morning for Alan's coffee.  It is their morning ritual and since he always gets a cup of hot water for Robin (she brings her own tea) it is cost effective!

Notice the little red maple leaf in the big M????

They have been power watching the Mad Men series and walking when the sun comes out.  

I think they have walked all the parks and one day went over to Dartmouth to walk their wharf.  It is directly across from Halifax so it was interesting to get another perspective of the city.  

Oh boy... Sun came out and Halifax is popping.  The Buskers Festival at the wharf.  What fun.  You ask what is a busker?   Street performers!  Really fun few days they have.  

Off to Prince Edward Island and ready to go over the Confederation Bridge.  This is  an amazing achievement of the human ability to solve a problem.  We stopped before going over and watched the complete story of how it was built and toured the museum. 

Prince Edward Island!  Sun is out and beauty abounds.  Beaches everywhere and the farming and miles of agriculture are amazing.  Tons of rich red earth.  Flowers abound and the big crop here is PEI potatoes!  

One of our first stops was the home of Anne of Green Gables and the author Lucy Maude Montgomery.  Really fun day hiking the trails she wrote about and visiting the family farm.  

The most famous beach in PEI is Cavandish. We of course visited. 

Loved the farmers market in Charlottetown and went to a great "kitchen Party" in Stanley Bridge featuring  a fantastic fiddle player along with his group and of course some highland dancers.  Great night of music!

Heading back to the good ole USA soon and will check back in.  Love Canada and the Maritimes...

Sunday, July 26, 2015

The Cabot Trail, Alexander Graham Bell and beyond...

Oliver reporting the always interesting travels of the west coast pair of adventurers...

Well we finally pulled out of the Riverdsle RV Park in Louisbourg much to the dismay of all. The bathrooms and showers were magnificent and we felt right at home with our host Darrell and Darrell as we came to call him.  Aside from the pesky black flys we were completely at home there.  

We headed to Baddeck, a wonderful coastal town on the St Patrick Channel Which is part of the glorious Bras d' Or Lake...a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve. I can't tell you how much green and water are here in the maritimes.  Baddeck is the home of the Alexander Graham Bell Museum National Historic Site.  It was fascinating and inspirational. 

We then headed to the famous and beautiful Cabot Trail.  A glorious drive around the north coast of Nova Scotia with breathtaking views and as always, Robin watched for whales.  

After some thought the duo decided to return to Halifax for another week or more to enjoy the city and all it has to offer.  The wharf, farmers markets and lots of varied entertainment. 

Thursday night they attended fab flamingo guitarist from Spain and a flamingo dancer.  The show was superb and the wine good.  

Aside from being a great guitarist, this fellow also played an instrument called the hand pan and I am going to sttach what I hope is a video of the sound which was other worldly!

Yesterday we drive to Lunenburg, another World Heritage Site that is a Harbour with the original old homes from the 1700's and 1800's still there.  Lots of good food and lovely bay to enjoy.  

Loved this poster!  Doors of some of the many beautiful old homes. 

Our window table for lunch...

More later... Going to eat some of the great food purchased at the farmers market yesterday!

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Louisbourg has become our home...

I Oliver here as usual with the merry adventures of my human friends Alan and Robin.  

We have been in the tiny town of Louisbourg on Cape Breton for ten days. Such a nice home base and have made friends with the locals and Robin even fished off the wharf with a new friend. 

Alan has been trying to teach her the metric system and he often tests her knowledge to the frustration of all involved.  She has the money exchange down (much to our advantage since the Canadian dollar is down).  The liter to gallon of diesel is somewhat a mystery and the milliliter has a way to go as yet!

When last I left you they were off to the Beggars Banquet here in Louisbourg.  A fun experience where everyone dresses in period costume and are fed and entertained!

They go to Sydney for the farmers markets and Robin has found many gluten free treasures. She loves Canada!
Yesterday they had savory gluten free crepes...she's in heaven!  Alan bought some sour dough bread from a nice German baker and the homemade chocolate gems were to die for!

They have been walking some great trails. The lighthouse trail is beautiful and one of the favorites. They also went back to the fortress for another day of history and they walked the Old Town Trail along the Harbour to the fortress.  

Today we are leaving Louisbourg to continue our travels.  Saturday night was a street dance with a pretty good live band and then Sunday was the lobster feed at the Firehouse followed by a 30 person bike ride through town as a local fundraiser.  We will miss our little town but we're off to new adventures.  

The local fireman and his lobster!

Bye for now...

Monday, July 13, 2015

Cape Breton Nova last.

Oliver as always...your trusty reporter of all travels of my human charges.

After a couple days R and R in the campground outside of Halifax and enjoying long hot showers, we got on the road again.  We headed northeast to the Northumberland Shore and stopped for a tour in Stellarten of the Museum Of enlightening picture of the industry in Nova Scotia from its beginning until present day.  

We then drove east to Antigonish, a charming university town with lots to see and do.  Alan and Robin walk a lot and they found great trails along inlets in the
Biosphere.  They then attended opening night of the local theatre...the play was called Opening Night!  Lots of fun. 

The next day we ventured to Sherbrooke to another living museum called Sherbrooke Village.  It was another great DAY. 

Alan was making big bubbles with the nice lady!  So much fun these living museums.  

Robin has become the temperance queen!  

After Sherbrooke we headed to Sydney.  This is probably the largest town in Cape Breton.  We decided to make Louisbourgh our home base for a week or two and have been venturing forth daily from there.  Over the weekend we headed back to Sydney for their 1st Annual Rib Fest.  Robin is a big fan of ribs and Alan indulges her rib thing!

The event was on the Sydney Waterfront and this big fiddle was part of the waterfront decor!  As you can see we have enjoyed great weather and the ribs were good!

The big attraction in Louisbourg is the fortress that the French built in the early 1700's to fight off the British. It is yet another living museum and is a National Historic Monument.  It is built on a point reaching out in the Atlantic Ocean. Lots of history here...

On Sunday night they attended a concert at the Louisbourg Playhouse of the "Men of The Deeps".  It was 25 salty old miners singing in an incredible chorus in a darling local theatre.  

We ventured yesterday along the Marconi Trail on the far eastern coast of Cape Breton.  This is where the Marconi Museum is, on the site where he built the first transatlantic station for wireless communication.  

And then on to the Miners Museum, the history of coal mining in Nova Scotia including a tour of the mines with a very fun fellow. 

It's been a busy time interspersed with some great walks along the wards watching the lobster boats and loving the beautiful shore of Nova Scotia.  So much to see and do!   We are camped in a great spot and having lots of rest time too. 

Tonight they are off to the Beggars Banquet here in Louisbourg...will report on the festivities next time.